Collection: Big Feelings

Over the last year, this series has acted as an illustrative journal through my mental health journey. A humorous and disgustingly beautiful human way of bracing against mental illness and all of the things that come with it. 

Every piece starts to take form in my head and heart while I'm in such a deep place that I'm unable to do much of anything. When I am drowning in my chemical imbalance, the process of transforming these feelings into something visual grounds me and keeps me from being swept away in a destructive thought spiral. As the concept begins to grow into a more tangible idea, the need to get it out of me and onto the paper can not be ignored. This urge to release inspires the motivation, humor, and self compassion that I had been lacking. 

These drawings pour out of me in a way that I have never experienced in my other work. They offer subconscious personal insights into why I'm feeling what I'm feeling that I was unable to recognize on my own. Each “Big Feeling” is born from the most vulnerable place in my soul. Through this process, these vulnerabilities grow into my protection.